
Scarlet Hollow

Created by Abby Howard

From award-winning graphic novelist Abby Howard, Scarlet Hollow is a horror visual novel and adventure game where your choices deeply matter. Hand-drawn backgrounds and sprites work together with a complex relationship system to bring to life an immersive world of charming (and terrifying) characters. Who lives, who dies, and the fate of an entire town rests on your shoulders.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

One day left to go! (And a note on stretch goals)
over 4 years ago – Fri, Oct 30, 2020 at 11:58:54 AM

There's just one day left in the Scarlet Hollow Kickstarter, so if you're on the fence about backing Scarlet Hollow or upgrading to one of those sweet sweet merch (or original art) tiers, the clock is ticking!

Since we're so close to the end, we'd also like to talk about our stretch goals, especially the coveted 'Talk to Animals' trait. We've seen the incredible extent to which so many of you have gone in terms of sharing the game and Kickstarter, and the enormous number of you who have upped your pledges as we've gotten towards the end of the campaign-- thank you all so much for everything you've done!

To show our appreciation, we've decided to move the goal post a little with the stretch goals. If this campaign breaks $80,000, we'll count add-ons and pre-orders through BackerKit towards hitting these stretch goals.

$80k is so tantalizingly close, and we can definitely hit it-- if we pass $80k, we're confident Talk to Animals will be within our reach from BackerKit. We just need your help to get the word out as much as possible in this final day!

A huge thanks to all of you from both of us-

~Abby and Tony

Three days remain to back Scarlet Hollow on Kickstarter!
over 4 years ago – Mon, Oct 26, 2020 at 10:42:09 PM

Hey folks! Just three days remain to back Scarlet Hollow and/or up your pledge! Thank you so much to everyone for all of your support and patience over the past few weeks. Marketing and asking people to do stuff isn't something we like to do, but it's something we have to do to make sure we're able to make Scarlet Hollow as good a game as possible! With that being said, if you haven't already, consider:

  • Backing the Kickstarter! The full game won't be this cheap again-- and because of the significant cuts that Steam and other distribution platforms take, this is your opportunity to make sure that as much of your purchase goes to the actual development of the game as possible, rather than to a middleman. #SupportIndieDevs, as they say!
  • Consider upping your pledge if you can afford to do so! We have all sorts of special reward tiers that'll get you limited edition merch and cool stuff. And, of course, there's plenty of *really* special tiers that'll either get you some original art of *your* character hanging out with the cast of the game, or that'll even put you in the game itself. Every single pledge for those bigger tiers goes a long way towards supporting the development process. (But also no pressure, we don't want anyone to feel like they have to pledge beyond their means!)
  • Evangelize the heck outta this Kickstarter (and out of the game itself) over the next few days! Word of mouth is absolutely huge, and a simple share can go a long way towards getting more people interested in the game and in further supporting our ability to make it as good as possible. Plus, who doesn't want a free spooky game in this, the week of All Hallow's Eve? Could be a fun way to celebrate with your friends long-distance~

Thank you again for all of your incredible support, and for listening to us promote the heck out of this game every hour of every day for the past month. Please enjoy this comic about our struggles:

Thank you all so much!

-Abby and Tony

First stretch goal hit— onto the second!
over 4 years ago – Mon, Oct 19, 2020 at 11:05:37 PM

Scarlet Hollow passed its first stretch goal this weekend! This means that the major characters will change their outfits every episode, like normal people. What cryptid will be on Stella's shirt in Episode 2, and what grisly occurrence will it foreshadow? There's only one way to find out, and that's by playing Episode 2 when it comes out next year ;0 

We are so so so grateful for the incredible support and enthusiasm each and every one of you have given us.

Anyways, now we've got our eyes set on our next stretch goal, which will unlock a seventh trait for the game-- Talk To Animals! You'll be able to speak with any and all animals you come across. Some will have a lot to say (and might even have entire sidequests to their encounter)! Others... less so.

Do you ever look at someone and wonder what is going on inside their head?

We're really excited to write this trait, and I know many of y'all are excited to help us make it happen. If you've already backed the game and want to help make sure Talk To Animals makes it into the final release, here's a handy list of free ways you can help spread the word and get us over the finish line:

  • Share Scarlet Hollow (and the Kickstarter!) with your friends and family.
  • If you're of an Artistic Persuasion, or if you aren't but like to have fun, make some fanart and share it to Twitter, Reddit, Tumblr— any place where fanart is shared, really. And for Reddit enthusiasts, feel free to swing by our subreddit, too!
  • Leave a review on Steam or on Itch~
  • If you're a streaming or YouTube-ing sort, stream the game or share a Let's Play!

And of course, if you're willing and able, you can increase your pledge to get some sweet extra rewards~

With talk to animals, will this little mans be a new friend, or a bitter rival?

Thank you all once again for just how far you've already taken our game—this has been an incredible experience, and we can't wait to take you back to Scarlet Hollow next year!

~Abby and Tony

Scarlet Hollow's Episode 1 Soundtrack Now Available on Major Streaming Services
over 4 years ago – Sun, Oct 18, 2020 at 03:00:59 AM

Hey everyone!

Our composer, the wonderfully talented Brandon Boone, just finished uploading the soundtrack for Episode 1 of Scarlet Hollow to major streaming services.

For those of you who are getting the digital soundtrack as a Kickstarter reward, we'll send you a DRM-free download of copy of this album in late November! We'll also provide a DRM-free download for each new episode's soundtrack as they're released.

Anyways, here's some links where you can stream the soundtrack~

As an aside, we're so close to hitting our first stretch goal, where major characters will wear a different outfit in each episode. If you haven't pledged yet but have been eyeing the Kickstarter, pledging now will help push us over that threshold and get us on our way to the next goal, where we'll add a trait to the game that lets you talk to animals :O :O 

And if you've already pledged but haven't had the chance to check out some of the merch and other goodies you get from bigger tiers, now's a great time to take a look! Most of our big specialty tiers are now half-off 'till the end of the campaign.

(But for folks who wanna get the merch but don't want to switch their tier, these items will be available as add-ons after the Kickstarter!)

Halfway Through-- Special Discounts!
over 4 years ago – Thu, Oct 15, 2020 at 05:07:21 PM

We're now halfway through Scarlet Hollow's Kickstarter campaign, and we've been absolutely blown away by the affection and support each and every one of you has shown for our game. To thank all of you, we decided to go through and cut the prices of most of our premium and original art tiers!

Each of these tiers comes with access to new episodes as they release, all of the merch in the Ultimate Collector's Edition, AND a unique, hand-drawn post-card signed by both of us.

Just some of our fine, fine merch.

We're within a hair's breadth of our first stretch goal, which would give characters different outfits over the course of the week, but what we've really got our eyes on is the $100k stretch goal to add a seventh trait that lets you talk to animals. Ever wondered what Gretchen would have to say if she could talk? What about that spooky deer in the woods? Or maybe that opossum in the dresser. Imagine the possibilities!

I, too, would scream in delight upon seeing Gretchen

If you'd like to see these stretch goals happen and are able to do so, consider upping your pledge to one of these new tiers to help us make Scarlet Hollow as good as possible! And if you haven't shared the game and campaign with your friends and family, it'd mean the world to us if you did!

And if you're following the campaign and haven't played our first episode yet, it's free on Steam and on Itch!

Also, for folks who signed up at lower tiers but are eyeing the physcial goodies (stickers, pins, postcards), they'll be available as add-ons via Backerkit after the end of the campaign :D

Thank you again to each and every one of you—we can't possibly describe how much your support has meant to us!

~Abby and Tony